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Economic Development Comm. 5-26-2004

Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.      ROLL CALL

Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice-Chairman Carino, Edwina Futtner, Dwight Johnson, Terrie Kyc, Janis Murtha and James Murray

Members absent: Marilyn Morrison, Mark Lillis and Daniel Rys

Alternates present:     Susan Burnham

Alternates absent:      Carolyn Egan and John Mitchell




Motion to approve the April 28, 2004 minutes with corrections
Was made by Commissioner Morrison
The motion: carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous


Chairperson Anthony reported on Daniels Electric Co, located at 26 Sea Pave Road.  They are seeking to relocate and expand the facility.  The Chairperson stated that she received a fax from the owner of this company, Mr. Etienne, requesting a tax abatement.  Information has been provided and an application will be filed with the Town Manager upon his return.

Chairperson Anthony informed the Commission that an information package, including a tax abatement application, has been provided to Satellite Tools and Machine Co. after having been discussed in the last Economic Development Commission meeting.  The application has been presented to the Town Manager.

Chairperson Anthony also reported on Schmidt Hermann Co., located in the Town of East Hartford.  She stated that Mr. Schmidt, the owner of this facility, is looking to relocate in order to expand and modernize his manufacturing facility.  He has been presented with an information package, including a tax abatement application.

Chairperson Anthony asked Mr. Stevenson to inform the Commission on Industrial Air Flow Dynamics, Inc.  Mr. Stevenson reported that this is a company that designs, fabricates, and installs expansion joints, GT exhaust equipment, dampers, epoxy floor coating systems, and structural steel coatings.  He stated that the company needs a larger usable space to carry out their manufacturing activities.  They are looking at the HI-G building.  They would be completing the addition that the Hi-G started before they closed and they would be locating their business there.  Mr. Stevenson stated that it is a great project, and it is a million and a half investment in the Town.  They have requested a tax abatement application, which has been provided to them with an information package.

Chairperson Anthony mentioned that, unfortunately, we have lost a business in Town.  A letter was received from USF Red Star directed to her attention and the Town Council stating that as of May 21, 2004, USF Corp. Trucking Company regretfully made a decision to close all of its facilities, including the facility located at 540 Sullivan Avenue.  The entire facility is closed and the closure is permanent.  

Report of Small Business Seminars:

Chairperson Anthony mentioned the letter that was discussed in the last Economic Development Commission meeting, which invited businesses in Town to attend the small business seminars in conjunction with the East Hartford Economic Development.  This letter was not mailed, and she asked Mr. Stevenson to explain to the members why the letter was unable to be mailed to businesses in Town.

Mr. Stevenson responded that he was unable to obtain, in a timely manner, an accurate business listing to properly notify businesses so that they would have an opportunity to put it on their schedule.  He suggested sending a letter to businesses letting them know the various items that are considered in the upcoming year.

Chairperson Anthony stated that there was a visitor attending this evening’s meeting.  At this point, Chris Nortin introduced himself.  He is currently a student at the University of Hartford and is working with Craig Stevenson over the summer as part of an internship.

Mr. Stevenson added that he brought Mr. Norton to the meeting so that he can get to know everyone.  He stated that Chairperson Anthony had mentioned the possibility of sponsoring a Realtors’ Developers’ Golf Tournament with the purpose of helping promote real estate and development opportunities in South Windsor.  Therefore, Mr. Stevenson asked Chris to help the Commission in organizing the tournament and in researching all the details to make this event successful.  A brief discussion occurred concerning this event and a committee was formed.  The members will include: Chairperson Anthony, Commissioners Burnham, Futtner, and Murtha; Consultant Stevenson, and Chris Nortin.

Mr. Stevenson then updated the Commission on the following:

Siftex Equipment Co., 52 Connecticut Avenue--They are seeking to expand the existing 7k square foot facility to approximately 10k square foot, with ability to expand into 15k or 20k.  They are interested in being located at the new Gateway Project.

OFS Corporation, 260 Ellington Road--They distribute chemicals that are used to refinish metal and wood.  They are looking to expand the existing facility, and to acquire about an acre of land from the Town, that is part of the 22-acre Gateway area.  They want to expand their property by 10k square feet.  The town is obtaining appraisal and the OFS consultant is preparing the property boundary survey.

Redevelopment Agency Activities—Mr. Stevenson reported that in April the agency circulated a request for qualified developers to come forward and present their qualifications and concept plans for 22 town-owned acres and adjacent private property.  At their May 5th meeting, the Redevelopment Agency opened a submission from Evergreen Walk, LLC.  Mr. Stevenson presented the concept plan to the Economic Development Commission and a brief discussion occurred.  He stated that the submission included a concept plan that proposed inclusion of the property in the development scheme.  The Agency feels that the proposal is of the highest quality and deserving of an opportunity to be presented to them at their next meeting.  This meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2nd in the Town Hall Sprenkel Room.

Incentives of Promotional Brochure—Mr. Stevenson stated he had discussed with the Town Manager and Planning Department staff the idea that was discussed in the last meeting concerning having a sentence in the permitting documents regarding tax abatements.  They all came to the conclusion that it might be ideal to handout a promotional brochure on the tax abatements policies and have them available in the Planning Department and in the Town Manager’s office.  This can also be sent out in the information package, and an electronic version of it can be placed on the Town web site.

Commissioner Johnson, responding to this suggestion, said that it doesn’t sound very different from what the Commission already has.  He questioned how the Commission would know if businesses get this information, but he considered it a good idea to have a sentence stating availability of tax abatements in the building permit application.

Mr. Stevenson responded that this brochure would be disseminated as much as possible.  The idea is to always try to give tax abatements as an incentive.

Before moving to item #6, Old Business, Chairperson Anthony stated she was interested in creating a Community Cable TV Program to develop a show promoting South Windsor businesses and development projects.  Mr. Stevenson responded that he would like to contribute with that project.  The Chairperson is also interested in having a career night at the South Windsor High School in the fall and asked Mr. Norton if he could help in organizing this event.


a)      Report from Liaison—Planning & Zoning Commission

Chairperson Anthony invited Commissioner Slicer from the Planning and Zoning Commission to join us in this meeting and provide an update of why the old parkway beef building application did not go through.  Commissioner Slicer stated that he spoke with the Planning Department staff to acquire information on what is holding up the processing of the application, and information regarding their parking.  He stated that if a business comes in and is interested in putting together a proposal for doing business in the town, the Commission should ask for a site plan.  As part of the site plan, the Commission wants to know what the current parking availability is based on the usage of the property.  The staff informed the potential tenant that, should the project go forward, they would need to provide a site plan to the Commission identifying a reserved space area for a future space parking should the property expand or go for retail.  The potential tenant submitted the site plan without the reserved parking and a copy was retained.

A brief discussion occurred following the report, and questions were answered.

The Chairperson noted that there is no liaison to this Commission.  She asked if anyone would like to volunteer, even if it is just getting the minutes and providing a report.

Mr. Stevenson offered to get the minutes from the Planing and Zoning Commission and summarize it at the Economic Development Commission.

b)              Report from Liaison-Inland/Wetlands Commission

The Chairperson noted that there is no report, as there is no liaison to this Commission.

Commissioner Burnham asked whether if a business applies to come to South Windsor and they run into a miscommunication, could the Economic Development Commission invite the developer to come to the meeting and explain their concerns.  Chairperson Anthony stated that she is very interested in having businesses and developers come to the Economic Development Commission meeting and have them provide input and explain their concerns.  Mr. Stevenson also stated that he would look for opportunities to bring developers to share their ideas with the Commission.  He feels that this would be a nice introduction to the municipal process.

c)      Report from Joseph Carino, Liaison –Water Pollution Control Commission

Commissioner Carino reported on the following two items:

Red Star—They had come before the Water Pollution Control Commission with an application to construct a bathroom facility.  This had been approved; however, since that time they have gone out of business. The building is now available and has the ability to provide bathroom facilities for a new tenant.

Electro Methods, 319 Nutmeg Road-- They have been approved to install their sewer system.

Chairperson Anthony mentioned that the Tax Partnership/Abatement resolutions for Electro Methods, O & W Heat Treat, and Mass Conn Distributors have been presented to the Town Council by the Economic Development Commission.  Members of the Economic Development Commission also received a copy of this report.  The businesses also received a letter advising them that this information has been presented to the Town Council, and upon approval, they will get another letter wishing them success.

d)      Report from Marketing/Communications Sub-Committee

Chairperson Anthony stated that this item has been discussed in item #5.

e)      Report from Business Retention Sub-Committee

No report was presented.

f)              Report from Research Analysis/Recommendation Sub-Committee

No report was presented.


a)              Economic Development Assistance Fund: This will be discussed at the next meeting.

b)      Report of Small Business Seminars: This item was discussed in item #5-Communications and                Remarks From the EDC Chairperson.  A mailing will be circulated next month, which will include                          information about this activity.




There was no further discussion.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. by Commissioner Murtha.  It was seconded by Commissioner Futtner and was unanimously passed.

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary